Our Pledge of Commitment for the Upliftment of the Filipino Families
Our Pledge of Commitment for the
Upliftment of the Filipino Families
We started MDC as a group whose goal was to change lives globally…
Our group has formally been incorporated on the 29th of September 2017 with SEC Registration Number CN201729047 and Tax Information Number 009-798- 500-000 under the name of Modern Disciples of God Foundation Incorporated (MDGFI).
Since then, we have launched our first program entitled LIFESTYLE CHANGE. A program geared towards changing the lives of 10 million families through a sustainable livelihood program and feeding 5 million families until such time that they can be incorporated into the livelihood program. This way,
“We do not give them fish but instead we
Teach the people How to fish.”
MDGFI’s Mission is to alleviate poverty through a sustainable livelihood program while helping the people find their way back to the Father, the Creator of the Universe.
MDGFI’s Vision is to ensure that the wealth given by the Father, through any means, shall be used for the sole purpose of ensuring that the mission shall be attained.
Created to ensure that the beneficiaries shall have at least approximately 144 sq. meter house.
Facilities include an office space surrounded by 5-10 villas for seminars and team building.
Modern Disciples of God Foundation Inc. © 2025.
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